Friday, March 27, 2009


Douglas worked on a commercial for Louisiana Pacific Lumber with a friend of ours, Matt Luem. At the end of the shoot, Matt donated all of the lumber to us for our cabin!!! Thank you Matt! We mixed and matched what was left of the old siding and came up with this.


  1. Hey are you guys still out there? What's the update?

    I've had 2 cabins out there since 2003, but my husband and I are just now getting around to re-habbing them... love to see what happened after this.

    You can email me at highamplitude (at) gmail

  2. You guys are RADICAL! For me, DIY projects are enjoyable when you go out of the box every once in a while. Well, you certainly did a great job on that department. What’s even better is that you recycled the sidings and made an impressive output. Hats off to you!

  3. You lucked out with that much incredible would and the artistry that went into the installation is highly appreciated. I'm looking at properties in the area also hoping to be resourceful and environment friendly. Thanks for sharing your labor of love. How about posting some scenic views...sunrise, sunsets...
